Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Pd suatu hari d skola, seorg murid bertanya pd guru, ktika i2 guru trsebut sdg mengajar mengenai kasih sayang....
Murid :"cikgu..mcmana kte nk pilih seseorg yg ytbaik sbg org yg pling kite syg??Mcmana kita perlu jaga kasih syg itu supy berkekalan?"....
Cikgu : ok.kamu ikut pe yg sy srh..kamu pergi ke pdg, kamu brjln di ats rumput smbil memandang
rumput di depan kamu...pilih yg PALING cantik...tanpa menoleh ke blkg lg walau skali..slps petik rmput yg PALING cantik, bw ke kelas...
apabila murd itu pulng ke kelas, tiada shlai rumput yg dipilh..cikgu brtnya..'knape tiada sehelai rumpt pon ?
MURID : td mse sy brjln, sy crila rumput yg pling CANTIK,mmg ade yg cntik,ttp cikgu kate petik yg pling cantik, makasy pun terus brjln ke hadapan smbil mncari yg pling cntik tnpa menoleh le blkg smpai di penghujungpdg, sy x jmpa pun rmput yg plin cntik..mgkin ada di antara yg diblkg sy td ada yg pling cantik, tp ckgu psn x bloeh menoleh ke blkg semula, jd tiada la rmput yg sy bleh petik...."

CIKGU: YA..itulah jwpn nye..Mkna nye apabila kita tlh brjumpa sseorg yg kita syg n
yg pling kita syg..x perlu la kita mencari lg...kerana jika kita terlalu mencari kesempurnaan maka hasil nya kita x kan jupe...mgkin kite tlh jupe, ttp kite msih mencari tanpa kita sdr org yg kita syg sbnr nya ada di depan kita tanpa kita sedari...atau mngkin kita x kn jupe krn ape yg telah berlalu psti nye tidak akn berulang lg...

~ HaTI YG bIMbANG.......

emmm...tetibe je ak rase ak nk menulis yg tersimpan dlm hati ak..skrg ni ak tgh riso..sgt riso......memikirkan sesuatu.................
ak x tau kenapa ak harus riso....memikirkan something yg ak sendiri takut utk menghadapi nye....YA ALLAH...hanya KAU YG MAHA MENGETAHUI segala nya....
apa yg mampu ak lakukan hanya lah berdoa...dipermudahkan segalanya.....
INSYA ALLAH..mudah2an...KDG2 hidup ini tak semua yg kita harapkan kita akn kita harus berusaha yakin tuhan sentiasa bersama kita....menghendaki apa yg TERBAIK utk diri ada hikmah disebalik semua ini....YA ALLAH..KAU hilangkan segala kerisauan, kebimbangan...berilah ketenangan dan kedamaian......AMIN...

"kdg2 kita mengharapkan hari yg cerah..
tetapi ALLAH berikan kita hujan, guruh serta kilat.....
tetapi pernah x kita terfikir selepas hari hujan yg gelap itu,
ALLAH ingin hadiahkan kita pelangi yg indah.......""

~ semoga PELANGI yg indah itu adalah milik kita semua ~ insyaALLAH

Sunday, January 24, 2010

When a GIRL is quiet ...

When a GIRL is quiet ...
millions of things are running in her mind.
When a GIRL is not arguing ... she is thinking deeply.When a GIRL looks at u with eyes full of questions ... she is wondering howlong you will be around.
When a GIRL answers ' I'm fine ' after a few seconds ... she is not at all fine.
When a GIRL stares at you she is wondering why you are lying.

When a GIRL lays on your chest .. she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
When a GIRL wants to see you everyday... she wants to be pampered.

When a GIRL says ' I love you ' .. she means it.
When a GIRL says ' I miss you ' .... no one in this world can miss you more thanthat.Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person .....
Just 4 me to REmind..
Find a guy .. who calls you beautiful instead of hot.who calls you back when you hang up on him.who will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the guy who ..... kissesyour forehead.Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats.Who holds your hand in front of his friends.Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky heis to have you.Who turns to his friends and says, ' That's her!! ...hopefully i already find this guy ~ who call me " you are my little star"....:)

FirST sonG DEdicatED to me...

" Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are,
Up above the world so high,
Like a diamond in the sky...
Lagu ni cam bdk2 je ak suke sgt..hehe..knape ak suke? many reason...juz one person know..hehe..the important person in my life..n ak hrp sweet memory psl lagu ni dia akn ingt smpai bile...sbb bile ak teringat lagu ni..ak msti senyum..heheh..ada org 2 ckp kn..ak msti slalu senyum..kalu x senyum..hehe..something wrong la jom ramai2 nyanyi lagu ni dg gaya yg manja.hahahha..........

Hanya tinggal kenangan...........